With over 20 years of corporate experience, a Master's in Social Work, and a personal journey through grief and chronic pain, I am equipped with deep empathy and a commitment to authentic, hope-filled support. I focus on fostering genuine self-compassion and resilience in my clients, guiding them to lead and achieve while staying connected to their true selves.

I’m Your Personal and Professional Development Coach, Reneé Tumolo

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5 Steps for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Reaching Your Goals

Featured, Personal Development

Before we step into the New Year with our New Year’s Resolutions and goals, it will serve us well to learn how to address, and be prepared to ward off, one of the BIGGEST obstacles to our personal and professional growth – Imposter Syndrome.

Do you ever find yourself doubting your skills, your knowledge, your abilities? Is there a voice inside asking, “who am I to do this thing, to take this step, to make this move?” If you find these questions swirling inside you, then you are most likely facing Imposter Syndrome.

Psychology Today describes people struggling with Imposter Syndrome as people who “believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held. They feel that they aren’t as competent or intelligent as others might think—and that soon enough, people will discover the truth about them.”

When you face doubts and hear a critical voice telling you that you’re not ready, or that you’re not good enough, you can first and foremost take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this struggle.

Self-doubt and insecurity are common, and especially in high achieving people who grew up in competitive environments, and/or environments who placed a high value on performance and perfectionism.

Before you practice the 5 steps below, take a moment to release any judgment you may feel around your struggle with Imposter Syndrome. The fact that you have identified the issue, illustrates that you are insightful and conscientious, and now you can prepare yourself to move forward even amidst this challenge.

5 Steps to Managing Imposter Syndrome: 

  1. Utilize the STOP technique. Mindfulness researcher, Jon Kabat-Zinn, developed this simple exercise:

    • S = Stop what you’re doing. Pause.

    • T = Take a breath. Breathe deeply, and take notice of the present moment.

    • O = Observe. What are you feeling? What is happening inside your body? What is happening around you? What can you smell, hear, taste, touch, see?

    • P = Proceed. Use the information you gathered while noticing and observing the present moment, and take your next step mindfully.

  2. Stay connected to your body. Now that you’ve utilized the STOP technique, remain mindful of what your body is feeling. Do you sense tension or excitement, anxiety or anticipation, fear or the thrill of the unknown? Where do you feel the sensations in your body? Remain connected to the clues your body is providing.

  3. Assess your thinking without judgment. Thoughts lead to feelings, and feelings lead to behavior, so it is important to assess where your thoughts are leading. Are they helpful? How will they affect your next step? Are they moving you towards your goals, or away from them? What feelings are your thoughts producing?

Author and speaker, Byron Katie suggests these 4 questions for self-inquiry:

  • Is what I’m thinking true?

  • Can I absolutely know that it’s true?

  • How do I react? What happens when I believe that thought?

  • Who would I be without that thought?

4. Bring to mind a skill you excel at or feel confident doing that took time to master. Remember how you felt on day 1. How long did it take for you to learn this skill? How much practice was required? How much knowledge had to be gained before you felt comfortable? Consider how far you’ve come, and how much you’ve progressed. Congratulate yourself for remaining persistent and growing in competence and confidence.

5. Meditate on a time you felt confident, competent, successful. Embody that time. How did the confidence feel in your body? What does success feel like? Allow your mind, body, and soul to feel that moment, and breathe into that feeling.

Expertise in any area of our lives comes with practice and persistence, and you can practice these 5 steps to gain mastery over Imposter Syndrome.

Each time you’re faced with a critical thought that questions your abilities, or you feel your confidence waning, go back to these 5 steps to help you journey through the doubt and towards your true gifts and potential.

Practice these 5 steps and you will be ready to write those New Year’s goals, and tackle any doubt that begins to creep in. You’ve got this!

Happy New Year!

If you’re looking for someone to partner with as you tackle the blocks and obstacles that hold you back from your goals, someone to hold you accountable and encourage you towards and through transformation, schedule a FREE 30-minute session with me to learn more about life coaching for personal and professional development.

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With over 20 years of corporate experience, a Master's in Social Work, and a personal journey through grief and chronic pain, I am equipped with deep empathy and a commitment to authentic, hope-filled support. I focus on fostering genuine self-compassion and resilience in my clients, guiding them to lead and achieve while staying connected to their true selves.

I’m Your Personal and Professional Development Coach, Reneé Tumolo

Are you living your most fulfilling and satisfying life?

Dive into the Fulfillment Finder values assessment to discover your career and life satisfaction score and how to better align your life with what matters most to you.

Gain insights and tools to live fully and authentically!

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