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There is wisdom in our mistakes….lessons we learn as adults, and lessons we can pass on to our kids.
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Something occurred recently that caused me to reflect on how my bent towards perfectionism has affected my marriage. Perfectionists are used to being told that they’re too hard on themselves, but what happens when that critical voice broadens its scope to include their loved ones? A recent interaction with my husband helped me see the […]
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I think most of us would agree that there’s no such thing as a perfect parent, and yet so many of us struggle with mommy guilt. Have you ever thought, said, or heard and iteration of, “she’s got it all together. She has 5 kids, her make-up is always perfect, she’s lost all her baby […]
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On the abortion debate: Rather than spreading hate from both sides, I believe we can introduce love to one another by taking the time to have a conversation and listen…really listen.
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Parenting is a never-ending syllabus of valuable lessons. There are lessons in resilience, in patience, in the paradox of love and anger, in mindfulness and presence, in creativity, in what exhaustion does to the brain, the mood, the marriage. I had not anticipated what great teachers my kids would be, and although they don’t set […]
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I had recently escaped a job that felt like a 1-year marathon. I crossed the finish line thirsty for a healthy environment, hungry for a boss with no relation to Satan, and pissing myself from relief that I was finally done! I was fortunate to be moving on to my first Supervisory position, and I […]
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